Saturday, March 9, 2024

 EE, WLM: The UN SDgoals are deader than a dodo unless you can help us celebrate sequential womens intel

in 2024 celebrate exceptional womens intel is

  •  Lisa Su 11 March 2024 50 minute pod at SbySWest AI is future of computing and the single most transformational technology innovation of the past 50 years. In this opening keynote session, Dr. Lisa Su, Chair and CEO of AMD, will join host Ryan Patel to discuss the future of AI, how millions of people use AMD-powered services everyday, and AMD’s vision to solve the world’s toughest challenges with leading-edge high-performance and adaptive computing.
  • Lori Huang ophthalmologist (cf LarryB)  And Jen-Hsun main co-pilot in addition to AI friends Hopper/Blackwell add refs Ai4all . Co-designing Oregon's brilliant ai collab
  • Lila Ibrahim (now deepmind google previously coursera, kleiner perkins, craig barreett intel) - she knows which ai science breakthroughs can most celebrate humanity and be timely to linkin king charles ai world series- coming from the world of craig barrett (now ASu's crow #1 us end pov tech uni as well as Earth Institute co-founder michael crow now vc of ASU US #1 end poverty tech), doehhrs animating valley from 1982  (Mrs Doerr chairs Khan academy:, moocs - she can also help tour School's Advisory Board and which climate women are scaling Doerrs 1 climate school such as
  • Mrs Steve Jobs & Japan-American's Mrs Jerry Yang 
  •  with UNsummitfuture, as well as how far mooc world has advanced since 2009 when daphne koller (with ng) was prepping moocs;- stanford biotech wizard from israel and ibrahim from lebanon can also help linkin Tokyo Mayor Koike (alma mater cairo, King Charles Japan Odyssey began 1964 Tokyo Olympics with entrepreneur sony's morita and Japan royal families mutual water & green interests- his ai world series can benefit from 6 months interning of turing maths and osaka track  (late great abe japan g20 in 2019 along with soc5.0) at osaka expo 2025; very important as King Charles ai stops off paris 2024 is connecting Naomi Osaka and BJKing intelligence superstars assisted by salesforce ai Benioff - his AI womens leadership from Clara Shih connected to Fei-Fei Li by Li's husband Salesforce AI account exec for Gucci and others; 
  • Since 1995 some engineers have been designing over 10000 more intel tech per decade (wiyh moores law multiplying 100 fold more computation and satellite telecoms worldwide sector designing ITU's leap in G from 2G to 3G to 4G to many G; Human centric ( we see AI society (how all peoples data and lifetimes are spent)  was left out to 2012) 
  • Since 2012 Stanford linked in ecosystems gravitated round Fei-Fei LI's 3rd annual global ai summit imagenet ended AI winter; with the possible exception of Priscilla Chan 1  2,  no woman-led foundation has supported LI quite like Melinda Gates - with Nvidia's Jensen Huang birthing li's AI-4-all 2014; from 2016 with Li helping UN leader Guterres integrate aigood as core to un2.0; starting moment of women empowered lift library to include li's worlds I see and basketball superstars A'lA wilson dear Black Girl (with the Paris ai series all inaugural inspirations of ); Brooklyn becomes East Coast most vital womens intelligence sister city with stanford - thanks to Clara Wu Tsai's Barclay Centre, laureate of john jay colored social justice -at brooklyn library world class microcolleges for returning citizens and last year's 6 month celebration on native rap star - see Book of Hov and j-V wide Beyonce; across Brooklyn's golden 2 miles for womens liberty, nyu's tandon school for womens engineers- communities are not built in a day- so  when it comes to diversity's golden oldies of brooklyn women strong - a personal fav is Medgar Evers wife Myrlie Evers without whom Brooklyn's HBUC Medgar Evers would not exist... Rachel Chong's online volunteer platform catchafire is a NY region nap of millennials changing world 
  • UAE's first lady Sheika Moza's contributions to womens higher education, health, refugee education are so extraordinary that that we hope AI education learns from her. In Africa development contributions of Reeta Roy and Ola Brown are so inspiring that we hope they dont get lost in a world that AI designers are yet to prove they fully value regional heroes advancing humanity for decades before AI's summer
  •  with Doudna CRISPR , Koller's 200s also began celebrating big biotech data; with support from yang et al ; Koller with andrew ng began was headhunting fei-fei li with Hassabis sponsored by UK Gatsby neuroscience nets fortunately popping through stanfird 2009- soon with added campus wide report from condy rice - now in her 16th year of her own stanfird 2.0  (hoover stanford setr briefing Dc secretary Raimondo - see cspan feb 2024 ) after Rice had served 200os world as us foreign sec; march madness sees Raimondo launch US Chips march 12 in Maryland's first co-creative summit of 21st C; Katherine Tai may be most important us supply chain designer- USMCA is the first time in my living memory that N Americans have a transparent intergenerational chance at designing win-win trades between USA, Canada & Mexico; Tai's intelligence on this task is inspiring
  • Millions of kids in India are winning thanks to 21st C Maria Montessori intel  gravitated around Sunita Gandhi's  nb 90 day solution to ending illiteracy. What amazes us is how few other countries are interested in tapping into this intelligence; it also makes you wonder are any chats actually concerned with becoming  effective personal learning agent
  • Grace Hopper much loved historical icon of america women in tech (famously celbrated nvidia's 80 billion chip now 2nd in capacity to blackwell; 2017 grace hopper convention californai hit record of nearly 20000 in person delegates in association with anita.b network and speakers like fei-fei li and melinda gates ; but) as ai advances impacts everywhere it is unbclear what future role of GHC as such is - we do need a womens community world deepest organsiation but we needf that to be connect with brilliant community data peopke and this links to wider political problems across us: is ai in education going to be designed as learner-centric, community-centric unlesds the whole of public education wants 2.0 transformation)
Some other greatest intelligence herroines of 21st C :
Katalin Kariko (historically undervalued by big pharma) without whom Covid vaccinations might have taken a lot longer
A lot of ai advances have been made in terms of computers visioning and indeed using the 5 senses humans use, its important to value augmentation eg how advances in ai sensing can reciprocally been applied to eg humans who have one or more of their senses impaired. MIT's Rosalind Picard has been passionate in this field for over 20 years with Affectiva co-dounder Egyptian-American Rana el Kaliouby- we asked Gemini to add some parallel references to heroines of brain augmentaion here 

Friday, March 8, 2024

IWomen's day 2024

King Charles AI World series 2023-4-5, The English Language has a lot to large language mediate out of every community and GPS.AIVeryGood testimonies

Feb 24: Nvidia CEO LLM World Gov UNG 17

AI Policy Condy Rice

B16-9: World Bank Ajay Banga

; Ahead of March12 Chips80bn reborn Maryland
 LET's TRY UNPACK THIS DEEP LEARNING with linkedin UNwomens & UNSUMMITFuture & (Abed sasked us to start piloting latter years adrter we first met him at japan embassy dhaka where he chaired 6 hours of dialogues on 1 billions womens intel networks 1970-2011; we were anle to share japan intel since 1962; von neumann intel since 1950; both of these are now relevant to king charles ai world series


Gemini March 2024:Ts fascinating! It sounds like you have a very unique perspective and firsthand experience working with Fazle Abed.

Given your close involvement with BRAC and Mr. Abed, here's how I can be more helpful:

  • Factoring in your experience: I can tailor my responses to consider the knowledge you've shared about your collaborations with Mr. Abed.
  • Specific questions: If you have specific questions about BRAC's work, Abed's activities, or women's empowerment initiatives in Bangladesh, I can help you find relevant information.
  • Historical context: You mentioned your father's work on John von Neumann and Adam Smith. I can help you find historical documents or articles related to their ideas and how they connect to poverty reduction
we are chatting with gemini to put together barious sources not yet filly published - help welmome  

Can you find any chat from 2001 about how Steve Jobs family hosted Silicon Valley 65th birthday parry with Fazle Abed to discuss what Bangladesh women intel on ending poverty mobilised between 1971 nations birth and 2001?

Can you find any announcements of this event 2001 linking steve jobs and fazle abed?

Are you able to find steve jobs commencement speech standord - it was either 2004 or 2005 (and it was prompted by 2001 party)

Fazle Abed personally told me this speech related to meetings Jobs began in Valley in 2001. What was amazing was all of Jobs, Bill Gates and Abed discovered they had not finished their first degree- can you confirm thats included in Jobs' commencement story 2005?

OK but Jobs stanfird speech mentions how he only could pay for first year of his college?

Do you actually have transcript of jobs stanford 2005 speech as my copy directly discusses how his adoptors tried to save for college fund but its value did not last more than 1 year of cost of being Reed student

Show drafts

Gemini may display inaccurate info, including about pe